Create a data card

Use this free tool to add the latest Spanish property market data and local statistics to your website.

1 Pick a location

2 Copy the HTML

Pick a location or click the map to create a data card...

Add the code above to any web page to get the latest data. Pass this to your web designer if you're unsure how to do this.

How to customise further...

3 All done!

Customising the data

The type and order of data on the card is driven by the data-elements attribute of the script tag. We currently have the following available for all parts of Spain:

  • hpi = House price index (annual change)
  • transactions = total house sales (annual change)
  • mortgages = domestic mortgage approvals (annual change)
  • population = total population
  • sunshine = dry days per year
  • airport

Size and styling

The default card fits is 300 pixels wide and expands vertically to fit the data, ideal for most sidebars.

To resize or override the default styling, add CSS directly after your code snippet (advanced use only).

Kyero agents

If you have an active portfolio listed with us and would like the footer link to go straight to your property listings, add data-agent="XXXX" to the script tag in the snippet above, where XXXX is your agent ID number.